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Showing posts from July, 2020

What is grounding you?

When I was a little girl I remember my dad taking me to the county fair. There were many rides that we saw and wanted to ride, my dad took us on a ride called the Gravitron. This was a ride that spins its riders so quickly that the gravitation pull holds them to the walls while the floor drops, giving an effect of floating and defying gravity. On the ride, I felt a panicky and weird sensation as my brain fought to understand what I saw and felt. I felt like up was now sideways and that we could stand on the ceiling if we wanted. Afterward, I felt wobbly as I walked like my equilibrium wasn't quite right. While everyone acknowledges Gravity as a law of nature the ride seemed to defy that gravity and for a short time seemed to mess with reality. This ride was an experience that was largely forgotten until this year. This year the world has seen emotional and physical trauma that has left most shaken, questioning their beliefs, or what they know to be true. I have talked to many that...