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Judgemental Driving

So this may be a little known fact about me, but I have road rage. It's not really extreme but I have no patience with other drivers and I often catch myself judging other drivers over simple things. Such as what lane of traffic they are in, or which lane they decide to turn into. It's probably not super apparent, but something that if you drove with me often (which no one does by the way) you would probably notice.
Tonight was a good example of this problem of mine, there was a car in front of me that turned into a turning lane to a road that in my mind seems to lead no where. As I watched this car I mumbled under my breath something about "Do you even know where you are going, or are you lost? Cause that kind of goes no where important." Than I thought about it for a second and realized, maybe their home is on that road, maybe they are going to visit a loved one. Maybe they are headed to a best friends house, in all of those cases it would be a road to somewhere important.
Here comes the point I realized, someone does not have to be headed to the same place as you for it to be just as important, and just because they are taking a road unknown to you does not mean that they are lost. In fact that one lonely road maybe leading them to the only place they know they can call home.
I believe it is the same with life, we compare our lives with others around us, and when there are noticeable differences we either get frustrated with ourselves or the other person. But here is the truth not all of us are headed to the same location, almost all of us have similar desired results, but taking the same road as those around us will not give us that desire. We have different homes, we have different loved ones we are trying to reach, we have different places of work, and differing places where we feel included and important to a cause.
You can not take the same road as your neighbor and expect to be as happy as them, just as you can not expect them to take the same road as you.
So here is the moral, I think as people we are all cursed to some degree of road rage and frustration, but you have no idea where those around you are headed and why. Maybe they are on their way to say their final farewell to a dying loved one, maybe they are on their way to a job interview they have prayed for months for, maybe they are headed to meet up with the love of their life whom they have not seen in a year. Maybe even possibly they are in a completely new element and they are lost, in all cases what these people need is our patience, and our acceptance that they are trying their best to get where they need to with as little pain and frustration as possible.
Judging why people take certain roads does us no good as drivers, and being frustrated really doesn't help improve much either. The best thing we can do is try out best to communicate as we endeavor on this trip we all call life, and try to be patient when others don't, or are unable to communicate in return. Really we just need to enjoy the view and try not to be mad at others for taking a different route than we would, and accepting the fact that we have our own route and trying to follow someone else's route won't get you where you want or need to go. There are reasons people take the roads they do, but there are also reasons you take the roads you do too. Try to avoid the pain that rage and impatience can cause.
In the words of Elder Holland. "So be kind regarding human frailty—your own as well as that of those who serve with you" 
Be Patient with people, learn to love them and accept them as they are, even when they refuse to do the same for you. don't let the accidents of this life be of your choosing and caused at your hand. it is not up to us to judge where someone is going, but to love them on their way. Yes it is harder said than done, but I find it's much more worth it than some of the options that come much easier.


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