"These are the times that try men's souls. Tyranny like hell is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain to cheap, we esteem to lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price on it's goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."
-Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, 1776
Years ago a series of events played out in my life, not all pleasant; but required, I am convinced in the making of the person I am today.
About two and a half years ago, I was hanging out with some of my girl friends after a broadcast fireside one night. They were talking about men, as woman usually do, and their physical interactions with men; probably not with the respect that should be remembered in conversations with others. I was the innocent one in the group as I had never really had a boyfriend, and I had only kissed one person in my life. They commented on my innocence in somewhat of a respectful tone, something to the affect of me having having everything to look forward to, and nothing to regret.
I remember my feelings at the time and I still remember almost word for word my response, "Sometimes your biggest regrets come from not taking chances, not getting out there more, and not letting go and just having fun." While some of that is true, I did not realize how much damage a half truth could have in your life. While taking chances is important, letting go and having fun isn't always a good thing; it has it's own damaging power when used the wrong way.
Months later I met and dated a man, the same religion as me, active in the church and active in his calling. Because of half truths and half lies that I had allowed the world and him to convince me of, I found myself lost. Floundering and almost drowning in the lies of this world, that you can play and experiment with physical intimacy and not be hurt. It is a lie! It is playing with fire that can leave you scorched and scared if you do not turn away, and go to the Lord for healing. It will extinguish your personal flame of faith and hope, leaving you feeling lost; wandering through a fog which many get lost in, in this mortal life.
I found myself for a matter of months unable to go to the temple, due to the decisions I made while dating this man. Those were hard and dark days, I longed for the warmth of the spiritual sunlight you find in your life while going to the temple. I felt lonely and out of touch with myself and my God, I promised myself that when I was clean and able to return to the temple I would value it as I never had before. I truly learned that what we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly.
Yes I know that physical intimacy is so important to our growth and our ability to come become like God, but if it is not dedicated, devoted and sealed to one person, the one to which we devote our passions and our love; it will burn us. It will burn our souls like a match to a field of dry wheat.
Yes these are truly the times that try men's souls, we live in a world where the degradation of morals, and purity of every kind is sweeping through the nation. We watch the value of intimacy plummet in the media, and the world. It is common to explore and experiment with sex and morality as has never been seen before.
No impressive admiration or supposed expression of affection from those near you is worth the forfeit of your recommend to the Lords house. It is metaphorically like trading in your birthright for a bowl of pottage. Giving up something of significant spiritual value to feed a physical appetite. In doing so we will find ourselves empty and starved of the things that our spirit needs the most.
Please do not believe the world in its petition for immorality, corrupt morals, and sexual exploitation. In doing so we will find ourselves enslaved by our appetites, captive of the powers of adversity that bind us in our own decisions. Freedom is highly rated and we cannot live in freedom if we do not live by the laws of freedom.
These are the times that try men's souls and we can expect that, that will continue and worsen until Christ returns to this Earth. I know that in the temple walls we will find strength greater than our own, and faith to continue when we have nothing left to give. We will find joy in the simpleness of life, and we will find truth to combat the lies and opposition that we may face.
I know that our father loves us, and that with time all things will come together for our good. I know that in the struggles of this life there is truth and light to be gained, and that the temple is the place to find that truth and light. No matter what price has to be paid, it is worth it, and will always be worth it. I know that it is in the temple that I find my worth and my fathers love.
I have not written this up because I feel that I have anything to confess, I do not. I don't have anything to apologize for. I am human, I'm imperfect I sin and I make mistakes, but I have learned from them and become a better person through them. I write this down hoping others can learn from my mistakes, and that they will not have to experience the pain I have to know the truth. Being morally and sexually clean is wise and it is worth it. While I am still a virgin I have seen enough in my own life and experiences, and in the lives of those around me that I know that intimacy is priceless, wait for it, value it and respect it.
-Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, 1776
Years ago a series of events played out in my life, not all pleasant; but required, I am convinced in the making of the person I am today.
About two and a half years ago, I was hanging out with some of my girl friends after a broadcast fireside one night. They were talking about men, as woman usually do, and their physical interactions with men; probably not with the respect that should be remembered in conversations with others. I was the innocent one in the group as I had never really had a boyfriend, and I had only kissed one person in my life. They commented on my innocence in somewhat of a respectful tone, something to the affect of me having having everything to look forward to, and nothing to regret.
I remember my feelings at the time and I still remember almost word for word my response, "Sometimes your biggest regrets come from not taking chances, not getting out there more, and not letting go and just having fun." While some of that is true, I did not realize how much damage a half truth could have in your life. While taking chances is important, letting go and having fun isn't always a good thing; it has it's own damaging power when used the wrong way.
Months later I met and dated a man, the same religion as me, active in the church and active in his calling. Because of half truths and half lies that I had allowed the world and him to convince me of, I found myself lost. Floundering and almost drowning in the lies of this world, that you can play and experiment with physical intimacy and not be hurt. It is a lie! It is playing with fire that can leave you scorched and scared if you do not turn away, and go to the Lord for healing. It will extinguish your personal flame of faith and hope, leaving you feeling lost; wandering through a fog which many get lost in, in this mortal life.
I found myself for a matter of months unable to go to the temple, due to the decisions I made while dating this man. Those were hard and dark days, I longed for the warmth of the spiritual sunlight you find in your life while going to the temple. I felt lonely and out of touch with myself and my God, I promised myself that when I was clean and able to return to the temple I would value it as I never had before. I truly learned that what we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly.
Yes I know that physical intimacy is so important to our growth and our ability to come become like God, but if it is not dedicated, devoted and sealed to one person, the one to which we devote our passions and our love; it will burn us. It will burn our souls like a match to a field of dry wheat.
Yes these are truly the times that try men's souls, we live in a world where the degradation of morals, and purity of every kind is sweeping through the nation. We watch the value of intimacy plummet in the media, and the world. It is common to explore and experiment with sex and morality as has never been seen before.
No impressive admiration or supposed expression of affection from those near you is worth the forfeit of your recommend to the Lords house. It is metaphorically like trading in your birthright for a bowl of pottage. Giving up something of significant spiritual value to feed a physical appetite. In doing so we will find ourselves empty and starved of the things that our spirit needs the most.
Please do not believe the world in its petition for immorality, corrupt morals, and sexual exploitation. In doing so we will find ourselves enslaved by our appetites, captive of the powers of adversity that bind us in our own decisions. Freedom is highly rated and we cannot live in freedom if we do not live by the laws of freedom.
These are the times that try men's souls and we can expect that, that will continue and worsen until Christ returns to this Earth. I know that in the temple walls we will find strength greater than our own, and faith to continue when we have nothing left to give. We will find joy in the simpleness of life, and we will find truth to combat the lies and opposition that we may face.
I know that our father loves us, and that with time all things will come together for our good. I know that in the struggles of this life there is truth and light to be gained, and that the temple is the place to find that truth and light. No matter what price has to be paid, it is worth it, and will always be worth it. I know that it is in the temple that I find my worth and my fathers love.
I have not written this up because I feel that I have anything to confess, I do not. I don't have anything to apologize for. I am human, I'm imperfect I sin and I make mistakes, but I have learned from them and become a better person through them. I write this down hoping others can learn from my mistakes, and that they will not have to experience the pain I have to know the truth. Being morally and sexually clean is wise and it is worth it. While I am still a virgin I have seen enough in my own life and experiences, and in the lives of those around me that I know that intimacy is priceless, wait for it, value it and respect it.
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