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I believe in Gods plan for Woman

    I want to start off with a story, once upon a time there was a man and a woman in a specific doctors waiting room, they had each been there several times before and many times with the same complaints and struggles. This time the doctor came out to the waiting room evaluated the two patients and looked them in the eyes. "Are you two still struggling with the same health challenges?" He asked in a calm but direct manner. They both nodded and he brought them both back to his room, he gave them both an identical bottle, with vitamin supplements meant for hormone balance.
    "You both have come back several times complaining that I am not treating my patients equally, you are angry that I give different treatments to different patients although they sometimes appear to have quite similar problems. You two specifically struggle with similar problems and have been rather upset over my means of treatment."
    "You have in your hands identical bottles of hormone enhancing supplements, identical in every way. If I sent you both home with these bottles would you believe that they would solve your problems equally, because I gave you the same bottle, and you struggle with the same problem?"
     The man shook his head, slightly confused "No, this would not help me, Solaray is a female hormone blend. I am a male, it would not do to my body what it would do for a woman."
    "I agree," said the woman, "While it may help me, it would not help his body, so why would you proscribe it to a male?"
     "I wouldn't, I would not give a supplement or prescription to a patient that would not aid in their growth or strength. It does not matter how good a treatment is supposed to be, if it is applied to the wrong patient, or used in a manner contrary to what it was made for it could harm or kill the patient. As a doctor I research the help I give to my patients according to their own personal needs, their history, their age and their gender. I research the patients and what they need just as much as I research the appropriate treatments."
     He took the bottles back and gave them to his nurse to put away, than turning back to them he excused them to go.
     "Your problems are not so much to do with anything that's wrong with you, but more to do with the way you see my treatment of your problems."
While in such a simple scenario it seems obvious and easy to see the truth of why a doctor would treat his patients differently especially if they are a different gender. Than why does it become so much harder for us to agree that the same principles apply spiritually. We are made differently, so we are treated differently. Much like in a doctors office. Our God sees us individually and treats us individually, especially when there are gender differences. He created us individually, and he treats us individually. I believe its a sign of love, not segregation.
     I know many woman that are struggling with their roles as a woman in the LDS church, I wish I could share the simple love that I feel in my role as woman, but it is not something you can force on one another, you simply have to be patient and kind to those that do not see it. God love us, he believes in us and our power, and he gives us different power and influence according to our roles in life. It makes us different, it make us powerful.
     I believe that man carry the keys to the priesthood, because that is what will strengthen them the most in this life, that is how the will learn the most, and that is what empowers the positive changes they can bring to this world.
    I believe that woman don't have the keys to the priesthood because it is not what what we need for our growth. That does not mean we can not feel it's power, I feel it everyday that I am living worthy of the presents of the Holy Ghost, I see it in the sunrise, and I feel it's light in the stars in the night sky. I believe I have just as much of my life being affected by the priesthood as the men in my life.
   I know God has a plan for woman, I see so many examples from amazing woman in history, and I realize that by writing this I may even get some frustrated or angry responses. But I believe in the role of mother, I believe in traditional families, I believe that God intended for men to take care of their families. I believe that man and woman together have the greatest power for positive change in our world, and I don't believe that change will come from wandering from the commandments and paths that God has set for us. I believe the positive change will come from diligently staying on that path long after others have strayed.
    I believe man and woman are different. It does not make us lesser, higher or more than each other. It makes us uniquely compatible to complement each other, and help each other. It gives us the strength to be equally yoked in Gods work, it empowers us, and elevates us.
     I believe that Gods plan for woman is standing righteously by the men of this church sustaining them in their callings, just as they sustain us. I believe that the hope for our future, and our children's future is in us standing up for righteous living, striving toward temple marriages, between a man and a woman. Striving to have eternal families, teaching correct principles and following the prophet of God.

Hope of Israel rise in might, with the sword of truth and right!   


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