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when i was young

When I was younger I loved writing it seemed to make more sense than talking sometimes. You could think things through clearly and reflect on words the way you do a great masterpiece. I feel like words are symbols of our deepest emotion. Because when it comes down to it there's not very many word that truly describe the reality and depth of what we feel and see in life, but we do our best to share it with others, and we do it through words.
I go back and read some of the things I wrote when I was young and I don't think I always knew what I was talking about when I wrote, but the way part of my crying it out so I wrote it. Now years and years later I read things that describe exactly what I'm feeling right, and think how could I have known, I obviously didn't, but I had the insight to write it down. Words are beautiful but to often they are just in the moment and they are forgotten, they are timeless and yet given to much time they are quickly forgotten.
I've learned to write not because I love everything I think of, and not because it always makes sense, but because there will probably come a day when it will make more sense to me than it does now. There will come a day when the person I am today, will be the who I was when I was younger, and I want to remember. So that someday I can see how far I've come and I can see the sense in the nonsense, and the order to the disarray. I want to remember what I thought and how I felt when I was young.


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